- 20 years
- Szeged
- Activity 6 months ago
- Orosházi Táncsics Mihály Gimnázium és Kollégium, emelt óraszámú humán tagozat
- Szegedi Tudományegyetem Egészségtudományi és Szociális képzési Kar, dentálhigiénia
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I babysit at parents' place
- she can babysit 2 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights
- Groups of kids
Fanni M.
2,000 Ft/hour
- 20 years
About me
My name is Fanni. I study dental hygiene at the University of Szeged. I have two younger siblings, the younger is now 9 years old, and i have been watching over her since her birth, whenever i can, i spend as much time with them as i can. I worked at a camp for two summers, where my main task, in addition to the kindergarten teacher, was the supervision of the 4-6 year old kindergarteners. I get along well with the youngest and the oldest, I can easily chat with them, help them with whatever is necessary and entertain them depending on their mood and wishes.
General Experience
no experience
no experience
no experience
no experience
no experience
English and Hungarian
Emelt angol érettségivel B2-es szintű nyelvvizsgát szereztem