Babysitting Szolnok
Found 23 sitters
Choose a sitter in Szolnok. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.
Letícia K.
Letícia K.
- Document verified
I get along very well with children, as I also have an 11-year-old sister. I help him a lot in his studies and in making his childhood as full as possible. We often hang out tog...
Kamilla S.
Kamilla S.
- Document verified
Óvodai dajka-babyszitter szakmával rendelkezem már lassan 5 éve, óvodában dolgoztam mint dajka. 23-éves Szolnoki lakos egy 3 éves kisfiú anyukája vagyok. Autóval és jogosítvánny...
Melinda B.
Melinda B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
My English knowlegde is very poorly. But I'm still learning right now. I understand a lot of things, but my speech is still weak. My daughter has lived in England for thirteen ...
Szandra K.
Szandra K.
Jelenleg dajka képzést végzek egy szolnoki felnőtt képzés során. Korábban 8 évig sportegyesület alvezető és edző voltam ahol 3-20 éves korosztállyal vegyesen foglalkoztam, illet...
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