Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Kálvária Důlő

Found 8 sitters

Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Kálvária Důlő, but also practice English together in a fun way.

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Ágnes S.

2,400 Ft/hour
  • 41 years
  • Tát

Ágnes S.

2,400 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I have a teacher's qualification, I taught in primary school for 3 years and taught kindergarten classes. I have 3 children, two are university students, the third is a high sc...

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Tünde M.

2,400 Ft/hour
  • 1 year experience
  • 39 years
  • Esztergom

Tünde M.

2,400 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I graduated in social pedagogy in 2010, and in 2023 I obtained a kindergarten teacher's diploma. I currently work in a Child Welfare Center, but I also have work experience in a...

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Zenóbia B.

2,800 Ft/hour
  • 2 years experience
  • 19 years
  • Csolnok

Zenóbia B.

2,800 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Growing up in a big family made me spending a lot of time with children. Being very outgoing helps me to get along with kids at any age. I can play games with them or I can help...

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Laura N.

3,000 Ft/hour
  • 22 years
  • Esztergom

Laura N.

3,000 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Currently I'm doing my last semester at BGE studying cultural community organising. My brother is 7 years younger than me, and when we were younger I used to look after him a lo...

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Melinda G.

3,400 Ft/hour
  • 46 years
  • Szentgyörgymező

Melinda G.

3,400 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I have a degree in pedagogy, I have already worked as an educator and teacher. I have experienced the most with my own child, (he is 16 now), but also with other children in the...

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Zsófia L.

2,200 Ft/hour
  • 20 years
  • Piliscsév

Zsófia L.

2,200 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I have always had a special connection with children, that is why I applied to Semmelweis University to be a "védőnő" (that is a Hungaricum, a "védőnő" helps a child's upbringin...

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Csilla O.

1,600 Ft/hour
  • 5 years experience
  • 37 years
  • Esztergom

Csilla O.

1,600 Ft/hour

Kecskeméten végeztem a kéttannyelvű turisztikai középiskolában, ezután szinte azonnal külföldre költöztem és kisebb Magyarországi tartózkodásokat leszámítva majdnem 20 évet élte...

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Krisztina K.

3,000 Ft/hour
  • 3 years experience
  • 25 years
  • Budapest

Krisztina K.

3,000 Ft/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Nagyon kedves, empatikus és türelmes személynek tartom magam, aki könnyen ismerkedik, teremt jó kapcsolatokat, mint kortársaimmal, mint a gyermekekkel. A váratlan helyzetekhez g...

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