Find a babysitter with overnight care in Sajóbábony
Found 34 sitters
Are you looking for a sitter who will look after your children not only during the day, but also during the night? Discover the world of night babysitting at Bébicső Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters who will take care of your children overnight in Sajóbábony.
Jennifer K.
2,400 Ft/hour
Jennifer K.
2,400 Ft/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am a 24 year old student at the University of Miskolc. Currently, I am doing my master degree and like to become an economist. I really like spending time with little kids, th...
Viktória H.
2,000 Ft/hour
Viktória H.
2,000 Ft/hour
- Document verified
Évek óta foglalkozom bébiszitterkedéssel, eleinte a kisöcsém te vigyáztam majd mikor jottek a kis unokatesóim külföldre jártam hogy vigyázzak rájuk. Nagyon szeretem a gyerekeket...
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