  • 31 years
  • Budapest
  • 4 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 26 days ago
  • Response time: 30 minutes
  •  gimnázium, Budapest
  •  ELTE-TÓK, óvodapedagógia (angol-magyar)
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Over the day at my home
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Szilvia K.

5,000 Ft/hour


  • 31 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! Thank you for spending time with reading my page. I have had pets since I was a child. I had turtles, cats, and I have experiences with different kind of dogs. Now I have two cats and I love them.

My friends and family know me as a very empathic and calm person. The animals feel this. It's not always easy to get used to strangers, I know, that's why I prefer getting to know each other gradually. But it depends on the personality of the pet.

My last heartwarming experience was when I visited my brother's belgian shepherd dog. She was about 4 month old and very shy. After she let me closer to her, I took her into my arms, and she fell asleep accidently. I was a stranger for this dog, and I felt very lucky. The owners were very surprised too.

Once me and my family memebers saved a big dog who got lost somewhere. It's owner found him luckily in a few days. Another day we found a little bird on a road and saved it from the certain death.
We adopted my first beautiful cat from a street near our home, and he had a lots of love and care and a long life despite his leukemia illness.

I can feed your animal/animals and going to walk with your dog on weekdays after 4 p.m., and on Fridays I am flexible, because these days are usually free for me. In the weekends It's possible by agreement.

I can work in the 3rd district or in the neighboring districts.

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

I need to know:

- How old is your pet?
- What does he/she eat?
- How often does he have to go outside?
- Is he shy?
- Has he got some kind of mental or other illness/illnesses or allergy?


Többnyire hétfőtől péntekig, napközben bármikor, de hétvégén is, hogyha telefon közelben vagyok. Lehet, hogy ilyenkor nem egyből reagálok.

Current calendar is not availaible


English, Italian, and Hungarian

B2-es középfokú nyelvvizsgám van angolból, és az ELTE-n végeztem óvodapedagógus szakon. Azóta éveket bébiszitterkedtem, és jól kijöttem mind a szülőkkel, mind a gyerekekkel.

Where care:

Primary city: III. kerület » Budapest