 Pet Sit Photos
  • 22 years
  • Budapest
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 26 days ago
  •  Lovassy László Gimnázium, Veszprém
  •  ELTE
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Giant (over 40kg)
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no cat
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Ramóna R.

3,200 Ft/hour


  • 22 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

Dear animal lovers! I’m Rami, currently pursuing higher education in psychology in Budapest. I’ve loved animals since my early childhood, from mammals to reptiles. According to my parents, I could never be pulled away from the TV when Animal Planet was on. Because of this, I’ve always sought to be close to animals. When I was 3 years old, I received two red-eared sliders, who, fortunately, are still with us today. I’ve also been keeping leopard geckos for nearly 13 years now. My grandparents always had dogs, and since I spent most of my time with them, I considered their Rottweiler one of my best friends. At the moment, we have two dogs in our family house in Veszprém. Manó, the Transylvanian Hound, has been part of the family for over 4 years, while we recently adopted Nala, a mixed breed, from a shelter. I believe I have a lot of experience in animal care, and animal welfare is also something I feel very passionate about.

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

My experience has mostly been with dogs and reptiles, so I would be most comfortable taking care of them. The size of the dog depends on its personality. I have no problem walking a large dog as long as it’s calm, balanced, and doesn’t pull on the leash. Additionally, I consider it important for the owner to share all relevant information with me, such as how the dog behaves around other dogs, animals, or people, and how well it responds to commands.



Angol és német nyelvből is C1 szintű nyelvvizsgát szereztem. Tanulmányaim során a német nyelv volt mindig is elsődleges, ugyanis gimnáziumban németül tanultam számos tantárgyat (pl. földrajz, történelem stb.). Ebből adódóan ha korrepetálásról van szó, a német elsajátításában magabiztosan tudok segíteni.

Where care:

Primary city: IX. kerület » Budapest