Pet sitting Öttevény
Found 51 pet sitters
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Nikolett B.
Nikolett B.
- Document verified
I completed a bachelor's degree in architectural engineering at Széchenyi University, and I am currently completing a master's degree in the same field. I don't have my own pet,...
Borbála H.
Borbála H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear animal keeper, welcome to my profile :) I am a high school senior, a kind, conscientious, creative girl, and I am primarily looking for work for the summer while the owner...
Alexandra P.
Alexandra P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owner, welcome to my profile! I have been dealing with pets since I was a child. Over the years, I have kept many different animals (hamsters, ferrets, ferrets, rabbit...
Dominika N.
Dominika N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dear Pet Owners! I've had a cat since my childhood, and I currently have a 2-year-old tabby who luckily gets along very well with other cats. I can primarily take care of cats, ...
Szimonetta V.
Szimonetta V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Jelenleg 6 cica van a gondozásomba, így rutinos vagyok. A szenvedélyem a cicák, illetve a kutyák gondozása. Szívemen viselem minden kisállat sorsát, egyesületeknek rendszeresen ...
Patrícia N.
Patrícia N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Gyermekkorom óta nagyon szeretem az állatokat. 7 éves korom óta nagyon sok kisállat tudhatta magának szeretetemet; cica, hörcsög, nyuszi, kutya valamint az iskolánk állatházának...
Hétfőtől péntekig 8-18 óráig, szombaton 9-16 óráig