Cat sitting in Dunaharaszti
Found 8 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at Bébicső! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Dunaharaszti who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Gabriella V.
1,800 Ft/hour
Gabriella V.
1,800 Ft/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Nice pet keeper! My name is Gabriella. I have loved animals since I was a child. I had a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a hamster , parrot, duck, and hen. Now I have a labrador, and two ...
Alexandra B.
2,000 Ft/hour
Alexandra B.
2,000 Ft/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
Kedves állattartók! Gyerek korom óta nagyon szeretem az állatokat, volt is szerencsém néhányat tartani. Voltak kutyusaim, macskám, hörcsögöm, egerem és most jelenleg egy tenger...
Többnyire hétfőtől péntekig 10-22 óráig