  • 5 years experience
  • 22 years
  • Hajdúböszörmény
  • She has already been contacted by 2 parents
  • Activity 5 days ago
  • Response time: 30 minutes
  •  Márai Sándor Magyar Tanítási Nyelvű Gimnázium, Kassa - Szlovákia
  •  Debreceni Egyetem Gyermeknevelési és Gyógypedagógiai Kar
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  I can take kids by car
  •  she can babysit 5 kids
  •   Birthday parties and other
  •   Travel for Vacations
  •   Overnights
  •   Groups of kids

Dorottya E.

1,600 Ft/hour

  • 22 years
  • 5 years experience
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

I come from a small village near Kassa, which is located in Slovakia. I graduated from high school here, which I was able to complete in Hungarian, which is my mother tongue. I am currently a student at the Faculty of Child Education and Special Education of the University of Debrecen in Dabrecen.
As a second-year special education teacher, I am studying the pedagogy of people with disabilities and learning disabilities.
I have always had a very good relationship with children since I was little, even then I looked after my younger brother and other children in our village several times. Later on, I often looked after children, as well as participating in camps as a supervisor.
The children can quickly find a common focus with me, this is thanks to my open, flexible and cheerful nature. I love making handicrafts, which the children also love. And if we were talking about other entertainment, singing could also be considered, I was an active member of our school's children's and youth choir for 13 years, and I can also play the piano very well. And I have been actively folk dancing since I was 5 years old, so these kinds of activities are also a possibility.
I also have an A1 driving license.
I hope I managed to win you over! Feel free to contact me, even if it's only for a couple of hours.

General Experience


no experience


3 years


5 years


5 years


5 years

Special Experience

Autism Spectrum Disorder, Diabetes, Asthma, Hyperactivity, Care for Sick Children, Food Allergies, Sleep Disorders, and Special needs

Skills and Hobbies

Singing/playing musical instrument, Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport


English, Deutsch, Slovak, and Hungarian

A magyar az anyanyelvem, így ezt tökéletesen tudom beszélni. Mivel Szlovákiából származom, így a szlovákot is majdhogynem tökéletesen beszélem. Angolt kis óvodás korom óta tanulom, a közép iskolában pedig középfokú (B2) nyelvizsgát tettem le angolból. Németül is tudok beszélni, A2-B1 szint közé tudnám magam be sorolni. Spanyolt pedig ezéven kezdtem el tanulni így azt inkább még csak meg értem mint sem beszélem.


Where babysit

Primary city: Hajdúböszörmény » Hajdúböszörmény