  • 24 years
  • Pécs
  • 5 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 6 days ago
  • Response time: 1 hour
  •  Szeged, Deák Ferenc Gimnázium
  •  PTE Általános Orvostudományi Kar
  • Years of experience: 4
  • Kindergarden
  • Primary school
  • High school
  • Egyetemi
  • Admission high school
  • Admission primary school
  • Final exam high school
  • Individual general preparation
  • At Student's Location
  • Online video tutoring

Barbara A.

3,000 Ft/hour

  • 24 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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About me

My name is Barbara, (you can call me Barbi), and I am a sixth-year medical student. I already gave classes at university, and based on the feedbacks, my students really liked my classes. I always tried to explain everything in a very comprehensible, understandable and also enjoyable and interesting way. I think it's very important, that the students doesn't become bored during lessons, and the lecture should get their attention. Interactivity is also an important factor in all cases.
I can practice anatomy, pathophysiology biology and biochemistry with powepoint presentations as well. I can help you practice the Hungarian language if your mother language is English, or help with medical English.
Learning should be individualized, with the most suitable techniques for everyone (pictures, colors, interesting things, simply explained, highlighting, etc.) and all of this takes place in a pleasant atmosphere :) with a flexible schedule.


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Tutoring subjects

Hungarian   Hungarian
English   English
Deutsch   Deutsch
  Subject title

Special needs

  Logopedics or help with speech disorders
  Kids with specific learning disorders


English, Deutsch, and Hungarian

Angol nyelven beszélek B2 szinten, ill. általános iskolában, gimnáziumban tanultam németet is, németből is B2 szintű nyelvvizsgám van, de az egyetemen az angolt sokkal gyakrabban használtam.

Where babysit

Primary city: Pécs » Pécs

Where am I available too?: Újpetre